Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust is a registered Scottish Charity (Charity no.; SC048025) was formed in December 2017 and exists to manage and develop many local projects for the benefit of the communities of Pinwherry and Pinmore. There are 3 types of membership available and we invite you to support us by becoming a Member.
1) Ordinary Member – Individuals aged 18 and over ordinarily resident in Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Council area.
2) Junior Member – Individuals aged 12 – 17 ordinarily resident in Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Council area. Junior Members do not have the right to vote at any Member’s meetings, nor can they stand for election to the Board.
3) Associate Member – any individual, or business who has an interest in, and supports the charitable purposes of the organisation. Associate Members do not have the right to vote at meetings.
Please select one of the membership categories as appropriate in the form below:
Your application will be registered at the next Board Meeting. There is no charge to become a Member of Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust.
To comply with the GDPR 2018 legislation, Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust is required to notify Members that the information they supply in connection with their membership is held on Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust’s database for the purposes of membership administration. We will write to you from time to time about our work. We promise that any information you provide will be used only for the charitable activities of Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust.