Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust was formed in 2017 with the aim of improving the quality of life for residents of both communities and developing community projects. The Board comprises 8 Trustees and 52 members who meet monthly at a joint meeting with the Pinmore Community Association.
These meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in The Auld School Community Centre and are open to all members. Please do come along!
Matters arising are discussed and decisions are agreed upon by the trustees, which are then communicated to the members for further discussions and review if required.
PPCDT Trustees:
- Marie McNulty – Chair
- Ann Berry – Treasurer
- Brian Duffie – Secretary
- Joe Rigby
- David Walker
- Jean Wylie
- Janette Gates
- David Hall
PPCDT Project Officer:
Amy-Dee Watson Email: Tel: 01671 820654
The main project PPCDT is developing is the refurbishment of the former Pinwherry Primary School into a fit for purpose community facility. For more information about this project, please click here. Other projects the PPCDT has carried out, or developing are:
- Installing 6 Community Notice Boards – these display local scenic information and community events.
- Enhancing the Pinwherry Field – installation of picnic benches, accessible paths, trees and cabins which are being fitted out as toilets and storage.
- Community growing space on Pinwherry Field with polytunnel, pergola and raised beds.
- New play park, MUGA, adult fitness equipment and picnic benches on Pinmore Green, in development.
- Installing Defibrillators – PPCDT have secured funding to purchase and install defibrillators in the telephone kiosks in Pinwherry and Pinmore.
- Enhancing Community Lay-bys, flower tubs and community notice boards.
For more information, or to become a member of PPCDT, please contact Amy on the above contact details, or complete the form here.