Community Council Funding Support
PPCC has access to funding for small grants to local community organisations. These grants are governed by the stipulations laid down by the funders which pose some restrictions on their use but within that the PPCC has the discretion to award a grant of up to £500 from each fund.
The main restrictions to the use of the funds are:
- Must not be used for political purposes
- Must not be used to promote or support any activity or meeting against windfarms.
- Must not be used for personal gain.
- Must be able to show a clear community benefit.
Additionally PPCC has responsibility for Hadyard Hill and Assel Valley funds both administered by Foundation Scotland. Applications to these funds are collated by Foundation Scotland; Hadyard Hill fund applications are reviewed by a local scrutiny panel; Assel Valley by Community Council, viable applications are reviewed for final approval by Community Council for a final decision.
Funding Awarded
Throughout the last two years we have supported the following:
- Refurbishment of the 2Pins Field with installation of new cabins, water & electricity, improved fencing and general maintenance.
- Employment. of a Community Development Officer by Pinwherry & Pinmore Community Development Trust (PPCDT) for a 2 year period to oversee various community projects including the proposed school development.
- Club Diamonds
- Health Transport Scheme – providing funding to help residents offset the costs of travelling to hospital appointments.
- Colmonell Youth Group to assist with the purchase of equipment – this was supported as a number of Pinwherry & Pinmore youngsters attend the youth club on a regular basis.
- Knockdolian Gun Club for insurance etc.
Falke Renewables provided £6,600.00 Covid 19 – to the Resilience and Recovery funding during the 1st lockdown, this has been used to support the emergency food bank, provision pf a collection and delivery service for shielders and etc. Additionally support for SWRI and Highland Dance Group to cover Association Fees. PPCDT to cover Audit, Legal, Architect fees.
The Pinwherry School Project has received an initial refurbishment grant from Community Council and Community and is committed to providing substantial funding forward.