See Full Poster HERE

We are seeking people with stories about their community and landscape, books written by family members, historians, archaeologists, biologists/ environmentalists, fishermen, past doctors, past tradesmen, geologists, farm or land owners that can share stories about shifting techniques in farming over the years, past school teachers, estate owners, local artists, young people, old photographs, community groups, business owners and anyone willing to get involved! 
Our aim is to find out about your community as much as possible to help us (together wit your community) shape projects and ideas around your special features whether it is about your people, land, art, culture and environment or all 5 together.
If you would like to find out more or get involved send us an email, make a call or pop into the Biosphere office at the Old Kirroughtree Visitor center Stronord. 
We can’t wait to hear from you!
Best wishes,
Lynsay Forsyth

PLACE in the Biosphere Community Officer
Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere
Kirroughtree Courtyard
Newton Stewart