From South Ayrshire Council:

A714 Shallochpark to Glendrissaig by Girvan – Temporary Road Closure

On 20/6/17 the Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on them under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, and of all other enabling powers, made the above-named Order, which will make it unlawful for any person to cause or permit any vehicle to drive onA714 Shallochpark to Glendrissaig) (except vehicles engaged in Carriageway Resurfacing works), by reason of works to be executed on or near the road.

The Order is in force from 0930 hrs on 3/7/17 until 1530 hrs on 23/7/17, or until the works are completed whichever is earlier.

The closure will only be in place between 09:30-12:00 hrs and 13:00 – 15:30 hours and when signage is in place.

An alternate route will be signed via A77, A751 and A75 and vice versa.

Stewart Turner BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MICE MCIHT
Head of Roads – Ayrshire Roads Alliance
The Johnnie Walker Bond,
15, Strand Street,

Tel: 01563 503160