Fascinating Forest

A Winter Night Walk To Remember

Thurs 15th and Friday 16th December Only
18.30pm – 21.00 pm

Pinmore and Pinwherry Community Benefit Fund are offering residents of the 2 PINS community the opportunity to attend this local event for FREE.

Please contact the ACE office on: 07920406982 or email: adventurecentreforeducation@hotmail.co.uk

To register your tickets please quote 2PINSOFFER and your postcode and state how many people are attending.

Transport shuttle available from Pinmore, Pinwherry. Booking essential.

Hosted by Adventure Carrick, the Fascinating Forest is a self-guided woodland walk with a difference! As you explore our Neon labyrinth! and stroll through Lantern Lane there are lots of bespoke woodland activities to make a night to remember this festive period. Suitable for all ages. Parking very limited. Outdoor footwear recommended

For event information and tickets see:
Facebook – Adventure Carrick