
Thursday 18th December

7pm – Christmas Concert with local musicians and singers
in St Colmon Church, Colmonell
followed by refreshments.

Sunday 21st December

10am – Nativity Service in St Colmon Church
followed by refreshments in the Kirk Hall

7pm – Christmas Songs of Praise in Ballantrae Church

Tuesday 23rd December

10am – Colmonell & Ballantrae Schools’ Christmas
Service In St Colmon Church, Colmonell

7pm – Barrhill Christmas Songs of Praise in the Memorial Hall.

Wednesday 24th December

11:30pm – Watchnight Service in St Colmon Church, Colmonell

Thursday 25th December

10:30am – Christmas Day All Age Service in Ballantrae Church

Minister: Rev Stephen Ogston 01465 831252
Session Clerk: Mrs Claire Pirrie 01465 841644
Scottish Charity No. SC014381