The 2 Pins Community Company now own the site in Main Street Pinwherry on which it is planned to build the new community facility. Funding for the site purchase and planning consents has come from Hadyard Hill Community Benefit Fund, Carrick Futures, South Ayrshire Council and The Lendal Trust.
An application has been made to the Big Lottery Investing in Communities Fund and we are pleased to say that we are through to the second stage. Applications are also being made to the Lottery Sports and many Trust Funders. This will involve a considerable amount of work and through develop funding from the lottery we propose to employ a part development person.
The new centre will provide the community a new, fit for purpose, meeting and leisure facility. The Community Association will be able to hold larger local social and entertainment events. The SWRI, local Scottish Dance Group and Gardening Club will all have the ability to increase their memberships due to the increased size of the facilities available to them.
The new building will benefit a much wider area than just the two villages commissioning it, as it is providing a facility not available within the South Carrick area. The size of it has been chosen to enable it to be suitable for larger rural events including weddings and similar events.
Within the café there will be a small retail shop to provide local people, children and visitors (including those at the nearby caravan site) with the basic necessities of day to day life. Situated within the cafe, it should become a focal point for the wider area.
The significant increase is space for car parking will allow easy access for people with limited mobility and allow them access to both the Community Council and the Community Association meetings and events, which at present hall is impossible for some.
With an ageing population, our senior citizens will have an easily accessible meeting place and facilities within which local health clinics and fitness events can be held as well as arts and crafts and wellbeing sessions.
Our local primary schools at Barrhill and Colmonell, plus those in villages further afield, will have the opportunity of inter-school games which is denied at present with the current facilities available locally. Local sports clubs will have a new venue with changing facilities for 5-a-side football, basketball, handball and badminton – currently unavailable in the local area.
The community will use the centre as a focal point for tourism to display examples of local history, heritage and local points of interest including local walks.
There is still a long way to go and the more the local community support the Directors and committee members by coming along to the monthly meetings and supporting the many events that are planned the faster we will get the new centre.
If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments we would welcome you to come along to the monthly 2 Pins Meetings held in Pinwherry Hall every second Thursday in the month.
It is after all a community centre with new and improved facilities to benefit all this communities needs and future aspirations and needs your community support
See details of events planned for this year here.
Yours sincerely
Peter Walker
On behalf of the 2 Pins Community Company
The Proposed 2 Pins Centre
The Centre will consist of a multi-purpose hall that will accommodate a 5 a-side pitch or 3 badminton courts which can also be used for functions and social and community events. A community café and small shop, 2 meeting rooms which can be opened up into 1 large room and into the large foyer which can be use to display art and local heritage. An arts and craft activity room for both adults and children. Outside is ample car parking and picnic areas. Other amenities being considered are electric car charging point, cash point, and telephone box.