At the last Pinwherry & Pinmore Community Council (PPCC) meeting a proposal was put forward and agreed about a reduction in the number of meetings held by PPCC.

It was agreed that meetings would be held bi-monthly to take the pressure off peoples’ time and allow for other meetings that PPCC representatives have to attend – Carrick Community Council Forum, Hadyard Hill Community Benefit Fund, Carrick Futures Community Benefit Fund, SAYLSA (Stranraer to Ayr Line Support Association), Planning Forums, wind farm liaison groups etc.. This will also free up occasions when a special single issue meeting needs to be arranged outwith normal business, for example the meeting on 19th June 2014 which will be a ‘Roads’ meeting attended by Ayrshire Roads Alliance – Stewart Turner.

If we have bi-monthly meetings and they are quorate it will still fulfil the requirements of South Ayrshire Council.

Pinwherry & Pinmore Community Council Meeting Dates For 2014 – 2015

Thursdays at 7.30pm in Pinwherry Community Centre

MAY 15th 2014 + AGM
JUNE 19th – Special Roads meeting
JULY 17th
AUGUST  – No meeting
OCTOBER – No meeting
DECEMBER – No meeting
FEBRUARY – No meeting
MARCH 19th
APRIL – No meeting
MAY 21st 2015 + AGM