Carrick on the Move

Dear Community Transport User Group

As you may be aware, there has been considerable activity in the community transport sector recently both at national and local level with the publication of a Scottish Government report and the launch of the West of Scotland Community Transport Network Quality Framework.  This is something which all community transport operators are being encouraged to sign up to.  (For more information on all of this, look for the Community Transport in Carrick Newsletter in the ‘Latest News’ section at, under ‘News/Events’ in  or on if you don’t already have a copy).

One of the issues particularly highlighted was the need for consistency in the training of all volunteer minibus drivers.  MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) training is regarded as the minimum requirement for anyone driving minibuses with 12 seats or more and is likely to become the mandatory legal standard for all community minibus drivers in the near future, which surely makes sense in terms of safety and insurance.

I realise that providing training for your minibus driver might make a big hole in your community group’s budget, so I’m really pleased to be able to offer MiDAS training free of charge to someone from your organisation.  The training covers both classroom-based theory training and an on-road driving assessment for all minibus drivers plus additional training on passenger assistance and the use of wheelchair accessible vehicles for drivers who will be transporting passengers with disabilities.  Drivers who successfully complete the MiDAS assessment and training programme will receive a nationally recognised certificate which is valid for four years before it needs updating.  PATS (Passenger Assistant Training Scheme) training, for those whose role is to provide care and assistance to passengers travelling by road, may also be available.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you!
