Our web site has been mentioned as an example of good practice by the National Network for Change and Community in their story called ‘Online and good at being in touch’.
An impressive community site for 2 Pins – Pinwerry and Pinmore Communities includes the community council at https://www.pinwherryandpinmore.org.uk/ also in South Ayrshire. This has to come near to the top of the best list for its rotating banner with scenes of local beauty, access to all minutes and announcement of forthcoming meetings under documents and a general air of caring and sharing.
If you would like to read the whole article please visit the website at www.nationalnetworkcc.com.
Relaunch of National Network
The National Network for Change and Community is the blog for thinking people from local and wider global communities. Evolving out of a community council background in Scotland that has struggled with the limitations of that concept, this blog has opened up the debate about how good citizenship and empowering governance could work better at local level and beyond. That dialogue has gone world-wide.