South Carrick Community Leisure (SCCL) are organising a feedback day on 27th November for all residents to give their views on the proposed new Leisure Facility and swimming pool at Girvan Harbour. Make sure you go along during the afternoon and have your say. Here is the announcement from SCCL:
“Put the date in your diary and get your ideas and views at the ready as we want to hear what you think of the latest designs for the new £8 million multifaceted leisure and community facility planned for Girvan Harbour. Tuesday 27 November 2012 is the date, the place is the conference room at the Carrick Buildings and you can drop in any time between 12 noon and 8 pm to see the designs produced by our architects, Page & Park; have a chat with the design team and the architects; and let us have your views.
The main areas we’re looking for feedback on are the size of the pool and the ‘fun’ features it could include; the potential to include a quality restaurant; and the size and capacity of a community hall or gathering space.
Ultimately, it’s about giving you the chance to have your say on what will be your new facility before we apply for planning permission, which is the next big milestone. We’re keen to ensure the new facility provides a positive balance between sports and leisure facilities and activities and access to arts and culture. And your input will be vital in making sure you get the most out of the much anticipated facility. So, come along, have your say and make sure you help your new facility create a real splash.”