The River Stinchar District Salmon Fishery Board manages the protection, enhancement and conservation of the Atlantic salmon and sea trout stocks in the River Stinchar. It also has a duty to ensure the general protection and enhancement of the fishery.
Fishing News July 2012 By Gordon Hyslop
Over the last 2 weeks of July there hasn’t been many big lifts in the water levels, just a few small freshets with the only decent rise on Wednesday 25th July when it reached 3.6 on the bridge at Colmonell. At Ballantrae Bridge, Kenneth Hyslop and Robert Dalrymple had beauties of 15lb and 14lbs and an 8lb for Robert McIlwraith, His brother David landed one around 11lb. Balnowlart has done better with fi sh for Marshall Veitch 18lb, Hugh McLatchie 4lb, Kenny Gibson 2 @ 6lb each, Willie Blane had a 12lb fi sh as did his nephew Steven Holiday and Stuart Lang one of 6lb. Kirkholm has had a few with the best being a 13lb for Willie Marshall jnr. Knockdolian has picked away – Tony Coughlan and Brian Wilson had 3 @ 6lb, 7lb & 12lb from Twins and Bankweil. Gordon Hyslop had 10lb from Scaur & 11lb from House Run, Jimmy Hyslop 9lb from Scaur, Archie Mitchell 7lb and Mark Straver 6lb both from Dalni. Dalreoch had 2 on Tuesday 24th July. A 14lb fi sh for Curtis Munrowd from the Craig and former keepers’ son, 13 year old Harvey Mottram had a 13lb fi sh from the Battery. Stewart Swindon had an 8lb fish from Almont’s Hut Pool on an Ally’s Shrimp. Jock Cree had a good day on Hallowchapel landing 4 including one estimated around 20lb. Jock kept a fi sh of 7lb and returned the others. Up on the Wee Stinchar Roger Pirrie has had 3 at 12lb, 8lb & 6lb while fi shing his fi rst season as a member of Laggansarroch syndicate. At Minuntion young Brian Scobie caught his fi rst salmon on the fly 7lb & Eddie Smith had one of 8lb.